麻醬肉碎涼拌米線 (500 x 375)
Cold Stick Rice With Sesame Sauce & Minced Meat
  1. Put the rice stick into pot, add water and salt, bring to a boil.
  2. After boiling, cook for another 1 minute to spread, turn off the heat and simmer for 6 minutes.
  3. At the same time, marinate the minced pork. Add garlic powder, onion powder, sugar, salt, Shaoxing wine, and water to the pork and mix well.
  4. Then add tapioca flour, continue to mix well, finally add oil and mix well.
  5. Wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator. Defrost it 20 minutes before use.
  6. Drain and immerse the rice stick in cold water.

  7. Prepare sesame paste, mix peanut butter and sesame oil, then add sesame sauce and mix well.
  8. Then add chili oil and mix well, add oil and Szechuan pepper oil and mix.
  9. Heat the pan, pour in oil, add minced pork and stir-fry until cooked.
  10. After frying, mix the minced pork, rice stick and sesame sauce, sprinkle with chopped green scallions and peanuts then serve.




Chewy Jiang Xi Rice Stick   200g

Minced Pork 350g

Roasted Peanuts 30g

Green Scallions 15g


















Pork Marinade

Salt  3g

Garlic powder  ½ teaspoons

Onion Powder  ½ teaspoons

Sugar   10g

Xiao Xing Wine  15g

Water  30g

Tapioca Starch  5g


Sesame Sauce

Smooth Peanut Butter 280g

Sesame Sauce 40g

Chili Oil  30g

Sesame Oil   60g

Szechuan Pepper Oil  15g